Wednesday, October 26, 2016

U.S. Children Living with Deported Parents in Mexico

An entertaining article has emerged from the Texas Fred blog, posted on September 29, 2016. Here, we have a critique that is primarily aimed at staunch Republicans and anyone who stands by Donald Trump's wall. Half a million US born kids are living in Mexico with deported parents trying to assimilate to Mexican culture. TFB (TexasFred Blog) is criticizing Mexico due to their strict immigration laws in comparison to the U.S. (implying it is hypocritical of them to have such laws) and children are struggling because of it. TFB does not seem concerned with the treatment of the children who are struggling to adapt to a completely new culture with little help from Mexican government; he seems more critical of the fact that Mexico has strict immigration laws and is upset that "American society is supposed to welcome *anchor babies* with open arms and wallets" Never mind the fact that these children have a little to zero choices in a situation like this…
"In the last seven years, approximately 4.2 million Mexicans have returned to their home country from the US with an order of deportation, according to the Department of national security... Official records show one out of four ends up bringing the entire family back to Mexico... This explains why there are currently 498,000 US born minors living in Mexico, many of them Spanish illiterate and struggling to adapt." A statement from Latino Fox News. 
Although, I DO believe that Mexico should welcome these binational children and assist the families with attaining proper documentation, etc. I think TFB's argument is unsound and morally skewed, and is upset at the soaring Hispanic population throughout the US and is xenophobic towards any immigrants in the US, no matter what the situation may be.  
What are YOUR thoughts on this topic? 

Monday, October 10, 2016

How can we fix something if we don't know what's causing the problem?

An interesting editorial has emerged from the Dallas morning newspaper on October 5th, 2016, this specifically targets families and especially women who are expecting...I imagine hearing this would make many future mothers uneasy, feeling unsafe and make women strive for answers and a solution until we are satisfied with the results.
  DMN (Dallas Morning News) is arguing that the department of state health services needs to release the medical data to find out why Texas women are dying after giving birth, claiming that it is unacceptable and there must be a solution. It provides the reader with some alarming statistics: "News reporters J. David McSwane and Terry Langford asked for the data under the Texas public information act and showed the results of Texas maternal mortality rate has shot up to 35.8 per 100,000 births from 18.6 in 2010 (statistics provided by Obstetrics and Gynecology, September 2016)  The numbers were even more startling for black women in a separate report commissioned by the state, found that they were twice as likely as white women to die within a year after their pregnancy... Department of state health services wants to keep this data secret in order to prevent fraud." Also, thought this was an interesting statement considering Texas governor Rick Perry denied Obamacare: "Both reports on maternal mortality noted the lack of affordable health care as a cause for concern, especially with Texas being home to more uninsured people than any other state."
 By golly, that is a ridiculously high increase with a very lame excuse.
I most definitely stand with Dallas Morning news on this one, we should be kept in the light as to what is causing this, why the state refuses to share this information with us, what kind of health care  women are receiving, what we can do to fix this… But mostly, what are they hiding?