Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Guns always solve the problem!

Critiquing Jordan call's insight on governor Greg Abbott's ignorant/insensitive comments towards  the stabbing at Ohio State university. I could not agree more with your argument, I DO NOT think students having guns on campus is safe WHATSOEVER, regardless of what a majority of people think. If anything it puts students at risk and gives a higher percentage to the wrong person getting their hands on a gun. People often use the argument that carrying a gun on campus is simply for self defense and can prevent assaults but personally I think pepper spray and a pocket knife should suffice--But then again, I wouldn't know for I've never been put in a situation like that. I suppose if students were to carry guns they would be forced to take a mandatory training class on how to properly use a gun, that would be much more comforting; but unfortunately that's not the case. I think all students should take a mandatory self defense class and simply carry pepper spray rather than giving a stressed out student a gun. And that's my take!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

In this commentary I will be covering the new updated information in The pamphlet "A woman's right to know informational material"

FINALLY, after 10 years Texas state officials have decided to update the informational material that women have the right to know! (A pamphlet that is required by law to be given to women prior to an abortion.)

The pamphlet goes over medical information and research on how pregnancy and abortion affects a woman's body. The book contains medical inaccuracies and information that is not backed up by data according to Kimberley Carter, an Austin physician and president of the Texas Association of Obstetrician and Gynecologists.
The pamphlet subtly hints at fetuses feeling pain when women are getting an abortion: "in consideration of the potential for fetal pain, Texas law currently limits abortion to under 20 weeks"

The pamphlet also suggests that women receiving abortions have a higher risk of getting breast cancer, when many studies have shown that cancer and abortions are not linked.

Quite frankly, I don't think Texas Officials medical knowledge is up to par, I mean,
why not hire someone who is a member of TAOG (Texas Association of Obstetrician and Gynecologists) to write the pamphlet?
Isn't it a woman's right to know?
Women DO have the right to be knowledgeable on their own bodies and should be able to make decisions that affect their own future.

What do you think about this?